Texas university leaders say hundreds of positions, programs cut to comply with DEI ban

Views: | Time:2024-06-03 17:13:52

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas universities eliminated or changed hundreds of jobs in recent months in response to one of the nation’s most sweeping bans on diversity programs on college campuses, school officials told lawmakers Tuesday.

In the fullest public accounting of the new Texas law to date, the head of the University of Texas system announced that its nine academic and five health campuses alone had cut 300 full- and part-time positions. Those campuses combined also did away with more than 600 programs related to diversity, equity and inclusion training.

“You may not like the law, but it is the law,” University of Texas Systems Chancellor James Milliken said.

Milliken was one of several chancellors who GOP state senators called to the Texas Capitol to testify on how campuses are complying with the law signed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott last year. Texas is among about one-third of states across the nation that have taken steps to limit or prohibit DEI initiatives and practices.

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